Sunday 6 October 2019

#4 Comments of the Hyperloop System

In this blog, I would like to talk about the strength of the Hyperloop System. In my opinion, The Hyperloop System would highly improve access to education. As a student, choosing one prospect school that's right for us but isn't too far from home is a challenge that we all faces. However, with the swiftly hyperloop system that can reduce travel time massively alongside the prices that are said to be considerable, commuting daily from KaoShiung to NTUB isn't a wild wish.

On the other hand, the post and delivery system would be more efficient with this cutting-edge technology. Imagine that you click the "checkout" on the online store, and you received the package that sent out from KaoShiung after 20 minutes, isn't that sound fantastic?

In conclusion, the advantages of the Hyperloop System outweigh the disadvantages. Implant the system in every country would be a saving grace. I hope the governments will not be penny wise and pound foolish.


  1. I believe no one will want to commute from Kaohsiung to Taipei everyday haha~

  2. It seems the advances in techonology are making the impossible possible.
